Here in this post, you can get premium photoshop action which name is Ultra Painting Photoshop Action is absolutely free without any cost. This action is completely ready for use. And its action works without an oil paint plugin. You Can Also Download Imagenomic Portraiture V3.3 Photoshop Plugin.
It is a professional photoshop oil paint action specially created to give your images a professional painting look, powerful tools are used to give the cartoon look within just one click.
Download Ultra Painting Photoshop Action
How To Install Ultra Painting Photoshop Action
1. Inside Photoshop, go to the ‘Window’ menu and select ‘Actions’. A window
will now appear to the right-hand side.
2. Inside the Actions window, click on the top right-hand corner icon to reveal
the drop-down menu. From here select ‘Load Actions…’. Select the action which
came with the download.
3. The action will now appear in the actions panel.
How To Use Ultra Painting PS Action
1. Open a photo to work with.
2. Go to the action palette, open the actions folder, select the action.
3. Now click play on the action.
4. Show the hidden layers to pick your favorite effect.